Not unlike the global trend, Cambuhy is charting the path of technological evolution in agriculture. Today, Agro 4.0 technologies are flooding the market, many of which can be easily applied to citrus and sugarcane crops.
With an eye always on the future, Cambuhy has a New Technologies department responsible for researching, analyzing the feasibility of, and implementing new technologies in production systems.
Numerous technologies have been tested and implemented at Cambuhy, including fleet monitoring (tractors), precision agriculture equipment, drones for crop spraying, mapping and monitoring, autonomous sprayers, low-cost weather stations and a 4G network being installed.


As part of the technological evolution of cultural practices, Cambuhy has adopted drone spraying of orchards, which allows for greater operational efficiency and contributes to environmental preservation, with a reduction of up to 99.8 percent in the use of water and 90 percent in the use of fossil fuels. This is a recent technology and the application parameters for citrus have been validated in collaboration with the Fundo de Defesa da Citricultura (Fundecitrus).


In partnership with Jacto, Cambuhy is improving the use of autonomous sprayers. We currently have two pieces of equipment known as the JAV 4000. In addition to the autonomous technology, the equipment was developed with a more efficient spraying system called multispray. The development of the JAV 4000 aims to increase operational efficiency, improve plant coverage and deposition, and consequently reduce the use of pesticides and water in comparison to conventional sprayers.


Cambuhy is a benchmark not only for its production capacity but also for its partnerships, which enable the proper development of the production system. One of our major partners is Fundecitrus (Fundo de Defesa da Citricultura), a leading institution in citrus research. Several of the research projects and events carried out at Cambuhy are conducted in partnership with this important institution. In addition to Fundecitrus, our research partners include IAC (Instituto Agronômico de Campinas), UNESP (Universidade Estadual Paulista) and USP/ESALQ (Universidade de São Paulo/Escola Superior de Agricultura Luiz de Queiroz).