
Conservation program for endangered carnivores

Conservation program for endangered carnivores

Camera-Trap Method.

This study focused on monitoring the populations of medium and large carnivorous mammals on Cambuhy farm, with the aim of understanding the landscape use dynamics and population variations in space and time, facilitating discussions on habitat preferences to support local management actions, especially regarding farming production practices, promoting nature conservation.

Camera-trap method

  • The farm was divided into 75 squares of 2 km2 each.
  • A total of 25 cameras were installed in the center of 25 previously randomly selected squares. The cameras remained in the field for 20 consecutive days.
  • This methodology was repeated two more times, totaling 60 days of sampling, covering all 75 squares .
  • During the project, this camera installation cycle will be repeated 10 times over the course of three years.


    • Puma (Puma concolor): was recorded in 84 events. It was possible to count the presence of at least six different individuals, including a highly robust adult male and female, a young female and two cubs, one very young and one a little older. The possibility of other specimens that could not be individually identified in the photos also being there is not ruled out;. 
    • Ocelot (Leopardus pardalis): was recorded in 42 events;
    • Oncilla (Leopardus tigrinus): was recorded in 46 events;
    • Margay (Leopardus wiedii): was recorded in 3 events;
    • Jaguarundi (Puma yagouaroundi): was recorded in 85 events;
    • Maned Wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus): was recorded in 20 events. The records were always of solitary individuals;
    • Hoary fox (Lycalopex vetulus): was recorded in 96 events. Most of the records were collected in orange orchards.


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