Species successfully reintroduced
Bare-faced curassow (Crax fasciolata).
The bare-faced curassow is a galliform of the Cracidae family, which features the largest number of endangered representatives.
The curassow is included in the list of threatened species in the state of São Paulo. In our region, it was likely extinct, emphasizing the importance of the reintroduction effort carried out by Cambuhy through the “Release Spot and Monitoring of Wildlife” Project. Furthermore, this bird plays a significant role in environmental recovery, particularly through the dispersal of large seeds.
Due to the pressure it faces as a result from hunting and habitat reduction, several species conservation programs are promoted such as captive breeding. Cambuhy participates in these conservation efforts by receiving animals from breeding centers, ensuring their health in suitable enclosures, and reintroducing them into nature.
Starting in 2013, approximately 30 animals were released on the farm, and since then, numerous sightings of the species have been recorded, including couples with offspring, in one instance just five kilometers from the release spot.