Agricultural productivity benchmark.
Cambuhy Agrícola is a company within the Moreira Salles group and serves as an important center for agricultural productivity and technology.
Located in the municipality of Matão in the central region of the state of São Paulo, it encompasses more than 14,124 hectares of land, 41 percent of which is allocated for orange orchards, 26 percent for sugarcane growing, and 33 percent is native forest and permanent preservation areas (PPAs).
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Bare-faced curassow (Crax fasciolata). The bare-faced curassow is a galliform of the Cracidae family, which features the largest number of endangered representatives.The curassow is included in the list of threatened[...]
Reed moreCamera-Trap Method. This study focused on monitoring the populations of medium and large carnivorous mammals on Cambuhy farm, with the aim of understanding the landscape use dynamics and population variations[...]
Reed moreNot unlike the global trend, Cambuhy is charting the path of technological evolution in agriculture. Today, Agro 4.0 technologies are flooding the market, many of which can be easily applied[...]
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